Prima delivers the Premier Development Experience for three types of clients:

Individuals:  We empower individuals to believe in themselves and provide them with the necessary skills, strategies, and insights to have a significant positive impact on their personal and professional growth. When you are equipped with the tools you need to advance your career and achieve your goals, you are more likely to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and make meaningful contributions to your company. Our assessments and coaching help individuals fully understand their strengths, derailers, and values and supports you through sessions to become your most influential and impactful self. This personal investment will boost confidence, foster resilience, and ultimately lead to greater success and fulfillment in your endeavors

Teams: We guide and invigorate teams, arming them with the tools to stride confidently into the future and achieve unprecedented outcomes together. Recognizing the inevitability of change, especially during times of mergers, streamlining, consolidation, or reorganization, we join forces with teams to not only weather these transitions but to emerge even stronger. Through engaging and enjoyable team sessions, we cultivate lasting inspiration, foster trust, and ignite collaboration. Our focus on these essential elements generates newfound synergies and profound outcomes, benefiting both individual team members and the overarching success of the company.

Leaders:  Did you know that 57% of people quit because of their manager!  We understand that fostering an exceptional team culture is the cornerstone of retaining top talent and maximizing productivity. In today’s diverse landscape, where generational nuances and remote workers impact teamwork and trust, true leadership shines through the ability to appreciate and embrace these differences. We partner with people managers on their journey to becoming extraordinary leaders. Today’s leaders need new skills, strategies, and techniques to build a followership culture where team members are valued, excited to work hard, and drive results. Through our expert guidance, innovative techniques, and a reservoir of profound knowledge, we equip leaders with the tools to weave engagement, empowerment, and inclusivity into the very essence of their teams. We’re dedicated to helping you transcend the role of mere manager and embrace the transformative power of inspiring followership, fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration that reverberates through every level of your organization.

Speak with Shanna Weber Now:

Contact: (720) 258-5594 |

Speak with Shanna Weber Now:

Contact: (720) 258-5594

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At Prima Consulting, we stand as the catalyst for change, igniting a revolution in the workplace that molds a thriving environment for all.

Help us in sculpting a future where teams flourish, achievements soar, and the desire to excel becomes second nature. Together, we’re not just “showing up;” we’re forging legacies of excellence.


“My goals were to 1) strengthen my professional relationship in a tight knit team 2) improve my communication skills and confidence and 3) get promoted. In short– all was accomplished. Shanna leveraged her own professional expertise navigating a competitive industry and combined it with objective data extracted from personality tests to help me succeed professionally. We built strategies around constructing my own toolbox so that I may independently navigate tricky situations and conversations. Most importantly, given her sound judgement and openness to listen, Shanna was my most invaluable, trustworthy coach and confidante.”

Portfolio Manager, - Asset Management

“Shanna has played a key role in my career development and through her guidance, I have been able to build upon my self-awareness, executive presence, and ultimately my personal brand while also learning to leverage my networking skills and better understanding how to utilize my strengths.”

Manager, - IT

“Shanna’s ability to actively listen to my concerns and aspirations quickly created an environment of trust and collaboration. She is relatable and offers actionable advice that has been instrumental in driving my career growth. Her insights have consistently proven to be relevant and impactful. Shanna’s style not only imparts valuable business and developmental knowledge but also fosters a sense of empowerment. I can confidently say that her mentorship has been a pivotal force in shaping my personal and professional journey.”

Regional Manager, - Wealth Management

“During our time, Shanna provided me with actionable skills, guidance, and advice which transformed my career and set me on a growth trajectory in multiple aspects of my life. Much of my personal and professional development, as well as my success in my current role, is a testament to Shanna’s passion for teaching and coaching others to unlock their hidden strengths. I feel very grateful and fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her, and I could not recommend her more!”

Manager, - Bank Holding Company